





  1. 2005-2010: 北京大学地球与空间科学学院博士研究生,期间曾在德国马普太阳系研究所联合培养,2010年7月获理学博士学位(空间物理专业)
  2. 2001-2005: 武汉大学电子信息学院本科生,2005年获工学学士学位(电子信息科学与技术专业)


  1. 2015-至今:北京大学地球与空间科学学院,助理教授、长聘副教授、教授
  2. 2012-2015:美国哈佛-史密松天体物理中心,天体物理学者(Astrophysicist)
  3. 2010-2012:美国国家大气研究中心,ASP项目博士后(ASP postdoc fellow)




  1. 2023年:科学探索奖
  2. 2022年:中国青年科技奖
  3. 2021年:中国天文学会第八届黄授书奖
  4. 2021年:中国十大天文科技进展
  5. 2020年:美国天文学会太阳物理分会哈维奖(Karen Harvey Prize)
  6. 2019年:亚太物理联合会等离子体物理分会青年学者奖
  7. 2016年: 德国马普学会马普伙伴小组组长(Head of Max Planck Partner Group)


  1. Living Reviews in Solar Physics的Associate Editor,2024年至今
  2. 美国国家大气研究中心的日冕磁场天文台(COSMO)指导委员会(Steering Committee)成员,2021年至今
  3. 欧洲空间局太阳环绕器飞船(Solar Orbiter)“太阳大气加热”科学工作组共同主席,2021-2024
  4. Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics, Scientific editor,2023年至今
  5. The Innovation, Academic editor, 2020-2023
  6. 英国皇家学会期刊Proceedings of the Royal Society A, Editorial Board Member,2019至今
  7. 《中国科学-技术科学》青年编委,2018年至今
  8. Earth and Planetary Physics编委,2023年至今
  9. 国际空间科学研究所(International Space Science Institute, ISSI)的耀斑加热研究团队(International Team “Diagnosing heating mechanisms in solar flares through spectroscopic observations of flare ribbons”)的负责人(team leader), 2016-2018


  1. 2016年起先后任北京大学宋永亮、Tanmoy Samanta、李富羽、陈何超、侯振永、陆洪鹏、段雅丹、王家晟博士后合作导师,博士生陈亚杰、谭光钰、杨子浩、徐昱、高宇航、张佳乐、孙争、王欣悦、乔方方、李海宇、邹闻捷导师,硕士生张婧雯、朱瑞、陈霖谊导师,本科生朱英杰、陈雨豪、李想、吴昱川、刘贤雨科研导师,台湾交换生陈煜合作导师
  2. 2014-2016年任美国波士顿大学天文系博士生Chad Madsen的主要科研指导老师
  3. 2015-2016年任美国密歇根州立大学天文系本科生Carolyn Wendeln的本科论文指导老师
  4. 2013、2014、2015年三次任美国自然科学基金支持的本科生暑期科研项目(REU)指导老师,三位学生Sarah Murray、Rebecca Arbacher、Carolyn Wendeln分别来自宾夕法尼亚大学、哥伦比亚大学和密歇根州立大学


  1. Yang, Z.-H., Tian, H.*, Tomczyk, S., Liu, X.-Y., Gibson, S., Morton, R., Downs, C., 2024, Observing the evolution of the Sun’s global coronal magnetic field over 8 months, Science, 386, 76
  2. Gao, Y.-H.*, Van Doorsselaere, T., Tian, H.*, Guo, M.-Z., Karampelas, K., 2024, Propagating kink waves in an open coronal magnetic flux tube with gravitational stratification: Magnetohydrodynamic simulation and forward modelling, Astron. Astrophys., 689, A195
  3. Xu, Y., Alvarado-Gomez, J. D., Tian, H.*, Poppenhager, K., Guerrero, G., Liu, X.-Y., 2024, Simulated Coronal Mass Ejections on a Young Solar-type Star and the Associated Instantaneous Angular Momentum Loss, Astrophys. J., 971, 153
  4. Xu, Y., Tian, H.*, Veronig, A. M., Dissauer, K., 2024, Sun-as-a-star Observations of Obscuration Dimmings Caused by Filament Eruptions, Astrophys. J., 970, 60
  5. Hou, Z.-Y., Tian, H.*, Madjarska, M. S., Chen, H.-C., Samanta, T., Bai, X.-Y., Li, Z.-T., Su, Y., Chen, W., Deng, Y.-Y., 2024, Numerous bidirectionally propagating plasma blobs near the reconnection site of a solar eruption, Astron. Astrophys., 687, A190
  6. Chan, L., Tian, H.*, Liu, X.-Y., Torok, T., Bai, X.-Y., Feng, Y.-F., Banerjee, D., 2024, Global Coronal Plasma Diagnostics Based on Multislit Extreme-ultraviolet Spectroscopy, Astrophys. J., 967, 162
  7. Yang, Z.-H., Tian, H.*, Zhu, Y.-J., Xu, Y., Chen, L., Sun, Z., 2024, Is It Possible to Detect Coronal Mass Ejections on Solar-type Stars through Extremeultraviolet Spectral Observations, Astrophys. J., 966, 24
  8. Duan, Y.-D., Tian, H.*, Chen, H.-C., Shen, Y.-D., Sun, Z., Hou, Z.-Y., Li, C., 2024, Formation of Fan-spine Magnetic Topology through Flux Emergence and Subsequent Jet Production, Astrophys. J. Lett., 962, L38
  9. Sun, Z., Li, T.*, Tian, H.*, Hou, Y.-J., Hou, Z.-Y., Chen, H.-C., Bai, X.-Y., Deng, Y.-Y., 2023, Observation of Two Splitting Processes in a Partial Filament Eruption on the Sun The Role of Breakout Reconnection, Astrophys. J., 953, 148
  10. Liu, X., Tian, H.*, Torok, T., Gibson, S., Yang, Z., Li, W., Samanta, T., 2023, Magnetic Field and Plasma Diagnostics for Solar Coronal Mass Ejections, Sol. Phys., 298, 112
  11. Hou, Z.-Y., Tian, H.*, Su, W., Madjarska, M. S., Chen, H.-C., Zheng, R.-S., Bai, X.-Y., Deng, Y.-Y., 2023, A Type II Radio Burst Driven by a Blowout Jet on the Sun, Astrophys. J., 953, 171
  12. Zhang, J.-L., Tian, H.*, Zarka, P., Louis, C. K., Lu, H.-P., Gao, D.-Y., Sun, X.-H., Yu, S.-J., Chen, B., Cheng, X., Wang, K., 2023, Fine Structures of Radio Bursts from Flare Star AD Leo with FAST Observations, Astrophys. J., 953, 65
  13. Lu, H.-P., Tian, H.*, Chen, H.-C., Xu, Y., Hou, Z.-Y., Bai, X.-Y., Tan, G.-Y, Yang, Z.-H., Ren, J., 2023, Full Velocities and Propagation Directions of Coronal Mass Ejections Inferred from Simultaneous Full-disk Imaging and Sun-as-a-star Spectroscopic Observations, Astrophys. J., 953, 68
  14. Bai, X.-Y., Tian, H.*, Deng, Y.-Y., Wang, Z.-S.*, et al. 2023, The Solar Upper Transition Region Imager (SUTRI) Onboard the SATech-01 Satellite, Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics, 23, 065014
  15. Chen, Y.-J., Li, W.-X.*, Tian, H.*, Bai, X.-Y., Hutton, R., Brage, T., 2023, Application of a Magnetic-field-induced Transition in Fe X to Solar and Stellar Coronal Magnetic Field Measurements, Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics, 23, 022001
  16. Lu, H.-P., Tian, H.*, Zhang, L.-Y., Karoff, C., Chen, H.-C., Shi, J.-R., Hou, Z.-Y., Chen, Y.-J., Xu, Y., Wu, Y.-C., Cao, D.-T., Wang, J.-T. 2022, Possible detection of coronal mass ejections on late-type main-sequence stars in LAMOST medium-resolution spectra, Astron. Astrophys., 663, A140
  17. Sun, Z., Tian, H.*, Chen, P.-F., Yao, S.*, Hou, Z.-Y., Chen, H.-C., Chen, L.-J. 2022, Cross-loop Propagation of a Quasiperiodic Extreme-ultraviolet Wave Train Triggered by Successive Stretching of Magnetic Field Structures during a Solar Eruption, Astrophys. J. Lett., 939, L18
  18. Liu, X.-Y., Tian, H.*, Chen, Y.-J., Li, W.-X., Jin, M., Bai, X.-Y., Yang, Z.-H. 2022, Forward Modeling of Magnetic Field Measurements at the Bases of Stellar Coronae through Extreme-ultraviolet Spectroscopy, Astrophys. J., 938, 7
  19. Chen, H.-C., Tian, H.*, Li, H., Wang, J.-G., Lu, H.-P., Xu, Y., Hou, Z.-Y., Wu, Y.-C. 2022, Detection of Flare-induced Plasma Flows in the Corona of EV Lac with X-Ray Spectroscopy, Astrophys. J., 933, 92
  20. Tan, G.-Y., Hou, Y.-J.*, Tian, H.*, 2022, Statistical investigation of the kinematic and thermal properties of supra-arcade downflows observed during a solar flare, MNRAS, 516, 3120
  21. Yang, Z.-H., Tian, H.*, Bai, X.-Y.*, Chen, Y.-J., Guo, Y., Zhu, Y.-J., Cheng, X., Gao, Y.-H., Xu, Y., Chen, H.-C., Zhang, J.-L. 2022, Can We Detect Coronal Mass Ejections through Asymmetries of Sun-as-a-star Extreme-ultraviolet Spectral Line Profiles, Astrophys. J. Supp., 260, 36
  22. Zhang, J.-L., Chen, B., Yu, S.-J., Tian, H.*, Wei, Y.-Q., Chen, H.-C., Tan, G.-Y., Luo, Y.-J., Chen, X.-Y. 2022, Implications for Additional Plasma Heating Driving the Extreme-ultraviolet Late Phase of a Solar Flare with Microwave Imaging Spectroscopy, Astrophys. J., 932, 53
  23. Xu, Y., Tian, H.*, Hou, Z.-Y., Yang, Z., Gao, Y.-H., Bai, X.-Y. 2022, Sun-as-a-star Spectroscopic Observations of the Line-of-sight Velocity of a Solar Eruption on 2021 October 28, Astrophys. J., 931, 76
  24. Gao, Y.-H., Tian, H.*, Van Doorsselaere, T., Chen, Y.-J. 2022, Decayless Oscillations in Solar Coronal Bright Points, Astrophys. J., 930, 55
  25. Wu, Y.-C., Chen, H.-C.*, Tian, H.*, Zhang, L.-Y., Shi, J.-R., He, H., Lu, H.-P., Xu, Y., Wang, H.-F. 2022, Broadening and Redward Asymmetry of Hα Line Profiles Observed by LAMOST during a Stellar Flare on an M-type Star, Astrophys. J., 928, 180
  26. Hou, Z.-Y., Tian, H.*, Wang, J.-S.*, Zhang, X.-X.*, et al. 2022, Three-dimensional Propagation of the Global Extreme-ultraviolet Wave Associated with a Solar Eruption on 2021 October 28, Astrophys. J., 928, 98
  27. Chen, H.-C., Tian, H.*, Li, L.-P.*, Peter, H., Chitta, L. P., Hou, Z.-Y. 2022, Coronal condensation as the source of transition-region supersonic downflows above a sunspot, Astron. Astrophys., 659, A107
  28. Chen, Y.-J.*, Przybylski, D., Peter, H., Tian, H.*, Auchere F., Berghmans, D. 2021, Transient small-scale brightenings in the quiet solar corona: A model for campfires observed with Solar Orbiter, Astron. Astrophys., 656, L7
  29. Chen, Y.-J., Li, W.-X.*, Tian, H.*, Chen, F., Bai, X.-Y., Yang, Y., Yang, Z.-H., Liu, X.-Y., Deng, Y.-Y. 2021, Forward Modeling of Solar Coronal Magnetic-field Measurements Based on a Magnetic-field-induced Transition in Fe X, Astrophys. J., 920, 116
  30. Chen, Y.-J., Liu, X.-Y., Tian, H.*, Bai, X.-Y.*, Jin, M., Li, W.-X., Yang, Y., Yang, Z.-H., Deng, Y.-Y. 2021,Measurements of the Magnetic Field Strengths at the Bases of Stellar Coronae Using the Magnetic-field-induced Transition Theory, Astrophys. J. Lett., 918, L13
  31. Hou, Z.-Y., Tian, H.*, Berghmans, D., Chen, H.-C., Teriaca, L., Schuhle, U., Gao, Y.-H., Chen, Y.-J., He, J.-S., Wang, L.-H., Bai, X.-Y. 2021, Coronal Microjets in Quiet-Sun Regions Observed with the Extreme Ultraviolet Imager on Board the Solar Orbiter, Astrophys. J. Lett., 918, L20
  32. Hou, Z.-Y., Tian, H.*, Chen, H.-C., Zhu, X.-S., Huang, Z.-H., Bai, X.-Y., He, J.-S., Song, Y.-L., Xia, L.-D. 2021, Formation of Solar Quiescent Coronal Loops through Magnetic Reconnection in an Emerging Active Region, Astrophys. J., 915, 39
  33. Tian, H., Harra, L., Baker, D., Brooks, D. H., Xia, L.-D. 2021, Upflows in the upper solar atmosphere, Solar Physics, 296, 47
  34. Samanta, T.*, Tian, H.*, Chen, B., Reeves, K. K., Cheung, M. C. M., Vourlidas, A., Banerjee, D. 2021, Plasma heating induced by tadpole-like downflows in the flaring solar corona, The Innovation, 2, 100083
  35. Li, F., Chen, Y.*, Hou, Y., Tian, H.*, Bai, X., Song, Y. 2021, Small-scale Bright Blobs Ejected from a Sunspot Light Bridge, Astrophys. J., 908, 201
  36. Mandal, S., Tian, H., Peter, H. 2021, Flare-induced decay-less transverse oscillations in solar coronal loops, Astron. Astrophys., 652, L3
  37. Yang, Z.-H., Bethge, C., Tian, H.*, Tomczyk, S.*, Morton, R., Del Zanna, G., McIntosh, S. W., Binay Karak, B., Gibson, S., Samanta, T., He, J.-S., Chen, Y.-J., Wang, L.-H. 2020, Global maps of the magnetic field in the solar corona, Science, 369, 694
  38. Yang, Z.-H., Tian, H.*, Tomczyk, S., Morton, R., Bai, X.-Y., Samanta, T., Chen, Y.-J. 2020, Mapping the magnetic field in the solar corona through magnetoseismology, Sci China Tech Sci, 63, 2357
  39. Song, Y.-L.*, Tian, H.*, Zhu, X.-S., Chen, Y.-J., Zhang, M., Zhang, J.-W. 2020, A White-light Flare Powered by Magnetic Reconnection in the Lower Solar Atmosphere, Astrophys. J. Lett., 893, L13
  40. Samanta, T., Tian, H.*, Yurchyshyn, V., Peter, H., Cao, W., Sterling, A., Erdélyi, R., Ahn, K., Feng, S., Utz, D., Banerjee, D., Chen, Y. 2019, Generation of solar spicules and subsequent atmospheric heating, Science, 366, 890
  41. Samanta, T., Tian, H. *, Nakariakov, V. M. 2019, Evidence for Vortex Shedding in the Sun's hot corona, Physical Review Letters, 123, 035102
  42. Chen, Y., Tian, H. *, Peter, H., Samanta, T., et al. 2019, Flame-like Ellerman Bombs and Their Connection to Solar UV Bursts, Astrophys. J. Lett., 875, L30
  43. Chen, Y., Tian, H. *, Huang, Z., Peter, H., Samanta, T. 2019, Investigating the Transition Region Explosive Events and Their Relationship to Network Jets, Astrophys. J., 873, 79
  44. Chen, Y., Tian, H. *, Zhu, X.-S., Samanta, T., Wang, L.-H., He, J.-S. 2019, Solar ultraviolet bursts in a coordinated observation of IRIS, Hinode and SDO, Sci China Tech Sci, 62, 1555
  45. Zhu, Y.*, Kowalski, A. F., Tian, H.*, et al. 2019, Modeling Mg II h, k and Triplet Lines at Solar Flare Ribbons, Astrophys. J., 879, 19
  46. Tian, H., Zhu, X.-S., Peter, H., Zhao, J., Samanta, T., Chen, Y.-J. 2018, Magnetic Reconnection at the Earliest Stage of Solar Flux Emergence, Astrophys. J., 854, 174
  47. Tian, H., Yurchyshyn, V., Peter, H., Solanki, S., Young, P. R., Ni, L., Cao, W., Ji, K., Zhu, Y., Zhang, J., Samanta, T., Song, Y., He, J.-S., Wang, L.-H., Chen, Y. 2018, Frequently Occurring Reconnection Jets from Sunspot Light Bridges, Astrophys. J., 854, 92
  48. Tian, H., Chen, N.-H. 2018, Multi-episode chromospheric evaporation observed in a solar flare, Astrophys. J., 856, 34
  49. Song, Y.-L., Tian, H.* 2018, Investigation of White-light Emission in Circular-ribbon Flares, Astrophys. J., 867, 159
  50. Zhang, J., Tian, H.*, Solanki, S. K., Wang, H., Peter, H., Ahn, K., Xu, Y., Zhu, Y., Cao, W., He, J., Wang, L. 2018, Dark Structures in Sunspot Light Bridges, Astrophys. J., 865, 29
  51. Samanta, T., Tian, H.*, Choudhary, D. P. 2018, Statistical Investigation of Supersonic Downflows in the Transition Region above Sunspots, Astrophys. J., 859, 158
  52. Chen, Y., Tian, H.*, Su, Y., et al. 2018, Diagnosing the Magnetic Field Structure of a Coronal Cavity Observed During the 2017 Total Solar Eclipse, Astrophys. J., 856, 21
  53. Yang, Z., Tian, H.*, Peter, H., Su, Y., Samanta, T., Zhang, J.-W., Chen, Y.-J. 2018, Two Solar Tornadoes Observed with the Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph, Astrophys. J., 852, 79
  54. Song, Y.-L., Guo, Y., Tian, H.*, Zhu, X.S., Zhang, M., Zhu, Y. J. 2018, Observations of a white-light flare associated with a filament eruption, Astrophys. J., 854, 64
  55. Song, Y.-L., Tian, H.*, Zhang, M., Ding, M. D. 2018, Observations of white-light flares in NOAA active region 11515: high occurrence rate and relationship with magnetic transients, Astron. Astrophys., 613, A69
  56. Tian, H. 2017, Probing the solar transition region: current status and future perspectives, Research in Astron. and Astrophys., 17, 110
  57. Zhang, J., Tian, H.*, He, J., Wang, L.2017, Surge-like Oscillations above Sunspot Light Bridges Driven by Magnetoacoustic Shocks, Astrophys. J., 838, 2
  58. Tian, H., Xu, Z., He, J.-S., Madsen, C. 2016, Are IRIS bombs connected to Ellerman bombs? Astrophys. J., 824, 96
  59. Tian, H., Young, P. R., Reeves, K. K., Wang, T.-J., Antolin, P., Chen, B., He, J.-S. 2016, Global sausage oscillation of solar flare loops detected by the interface region imaging spectrograph, Astrophys. J. Lett., 823, L16
  60. Young, P. R., Tian, H., Peter, H., et al. 2018, Solar Ultraviolet Bursts, Space Sci. Rev., 214, 120
  61. Samanta, T., Tian, H., Banerjee, D., Schanche, N. 2017, Dynamics of Subarcsecond Bright Dots in the Transition Region above Sunspots and Their Relation to Penumbral Micro-jets, Astrophys. J. Lett., 835, L19
  62. Narang, N., Arbacher, R. T., Tian, H., Banerjee, D., Cranmer, S. R., DeLuca, E. E., McKillop, S. 2016, Statistical Study of Network Jets Observed in the Solar Transition Region: a Comparison Between Coronal Holes and Quiet-Sun Regions, Sol. Phys., 291, 1129
  63. Ning, H., Chen, Y., Wu, Z., Su, Y., Tian, H., Li, G., Du, G., Song, H. 2018, Two-stage Energy Release Process of a Confined Flare with Double HXR Peaks, Astrophys. J., 854, 178
  64. Huang, Z., Xia, L., Nelson, C. J., Liu, J., Wiegelmann, T., Tian, H., Klimchuk, J. A., Chen, Y., Li, B. 2018, Magnetic Braids in Eruptions of a Spiral Structure in the Solar Atmosphere, Astrophys. J., 854, 80
  65. Tian, H., Young, P. R., Reeves, K. K., Chen, B., Liu, W., McKillop, S. 2015, Temporal evolution of chromospheric evaporation: case studies of the M1.1 flare on 2014 September 6 and X1.6 flare on 2014 September 10, Astrophys. J., 811, 139
  66. Tian, H., DeLuca, E. E., Cranmer, S. R., et al. 2014, Prevalence of small-scale jets from the networks of the solar transition region and chromosphere, Science, 346, 1255711
  67. Tian, H., Li, G., Reeves, K. K., Raymond, J. C., Guo F., Liu, W., Chen, B., Murphy, N. A. 2014, Imaging and spectroscopic observations of magnetic reconnection and chromospheric evaporation in a solar flare, Astrophys. J. Lett., 797, L14
  68. Tian, H., Kleint, L., Peter, H., et al. 2014, Observations of Subarcsecond Bright Dots in the Transition Region above Sunspots with the Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph, Astrophys. J. Lett., 790, L29
  69. Tian, H., DeLuca, E., Reeves, K. K., et al. 2014, High-resolution Observations of the Shock Wave Behavior for Sunspot Oscillations with the Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph, Astrophys. J., 786, 137
  70. Tian, H., Tomczyk, S., McIntosh, S. W., Bethge, C., de Toma, G., Gibson, S. 2013, Observations of coronal mass ejections with the Coronal Multichannel Polarimeter, Sol. Phys., 288, 637
  71. Tian, H., McIntosh, S. W., Wang, T.-J., Ofman, L., De Pontieu, B., Innes, D. E., Peter, H. 2012, Persistent Doppler shift oscillations observed with HINODE/EIS in the solar corona: Spectroscopic signatures of Alfvénic waves and recurring upflows, Astrophys. J., 759, 144
  72. Tian, H., McIntosh, S. W., Xia, L.-D., He, J.-S., Wang, X. 2012, What can we learn about solar coronal mass ejections, coronal dimmings, and Extreme-Ultraviolet jets through spectroscopic observations, Astrophys. J., 748, 106
  73. Tian, H., McIntosh, S. W., De Pontieu, B., Martínez-Sykora, J., Sechler, M., Wang, X. 2011, Two components of the solar coronal emission revealed by Extreme-Ultraviolet spectroscopic observations, Astrophys. J., 738, 18
  74. Tian, H., McIntosh, S. W., Habbal, R. S., He, J.-S. 2011, Observation of high-speed outflow on plume-like structures of the quiet sun and coronal holes with Solar Dynamics Observatory/Atmospheric Imaging Assembly, Astrophys. J., 736, 130
  75. Tian, H., McIntosh, S. W., De Pontieu, B. 2011, The spectroscopic signature of quasi-periodic upflows in active region timeseries, Astrophys. J. Lett., 727, L37
  76. Tian, H., Tu, C.-Y., Marsch, E., He, J.-S., Kamio, S. 2010, The Nascent Fast Solar Wind Observed by the EUV Imaging Spectrometer on Board Hinode, Astrophys. J., 709, L88
  77. Tian, H., Yao, S., Zong, Q.-G., He, J.-S., Qi, Y. 2010, Signatures of magnetic reconnection at boundaries of interplanetary small-scale magnetic flux ropes, Astrophys. J., 720, 454
  78. Tian, H., Potts, H. E., Marsch, E., Attie, R., He, J.-S. 2010, Horizontal supergranule-scale motions inferred from TRACE ultraviolet observations of the chromosphere, Astron. Astrophys., 519, A58
  79. Tian, H., Teriaca, L., Curdt, W., Vial, J.-C. 2009, Hydrogen Lyα and Lyβ radiances and profiles in polar coronal holes, Astrophys. J. Lett., 703, L152
  80. Tian, H., Curdt, W., Marsch, E., Schühle, U. 2009, Hydrogen Lyman-α and Lyman-β spectral radiance profiles in the quiet Sun, Astron. Astrophys., 504, 239
  81. Tian, H., Curdt, W., Teriaca, L., Landi, E., Marsch, E. 2009, Solar transition region above sunspots, Astron. Astrophys., 505, 307
  82. Tian, H., Marsch, E., Curdt, W., He, J.-S. 2009, Upflows in funnel-like legs of coronal magnetic loops, Astrophys. J., 704, 883
  83. Tian, H., Marsch, E., Tu, C.-Y., Xia, L.-D., He, J.-S. 2008, Sizes of transition-region structures in coronal holes and in the quiet Sun, Astron. Astrophys., 482, 267
  84. Tian, H., Tu, C.-Y., Marsch, E., He, J.-S., Zhou, G.-Q. 2008, Signature of mass supply to quiet coronal loops, Astron. Astrophys., 478, 915
  85. Tian, H., Curdt, W., Marsch, E., He, J.-S. 2008, Cool and hot components of a coronal bright point, Astrophys. J., 681, L121
  86. Madsen, C., Tian, H., DeLuca, E. E. 2015, Observations of Umbral Flashes and Running Sunspot Waves with the Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph, Astrophys. J., 800,129
  87. Avrett, E., Tian, H., Landi, E., Curdt, W., Wülser, J.-P. 2015, Modeling the chromosphere of a sunspot and the quiet sun, Astrophys. J., 811, 87
  88. Young, P., Tian, H., Jaeggli, S. 2015, The 2014 march 29 x-flare: subarcsecond resolution observations of Fe xxi λ1354.1, Astrophys. J., 799, 218
  89. Peter, H., Tian, H., Curdt, W., et al. 2014, Hot explosions in the cool atmosphere of the Sun, Science, 346, 1255726
  90. Schmieder, B., Tian, H., Kucera, T., et al. 2014, Open questions on prominences from coordinated observations by IRIS, Hinode, SDO/AIA, THEMIS, and the Meudon/MSDP, Astron. Astrophys., 569, A85
  91. McIntosh, S. W., Tian, H., Sechler, M., De Pontieu, B. 2012, On the doppler velocity of emission line profiles formed in the "coronal contraflow" that is the chromosphere-corona mass cycle, Astrophys. J., 749, 60
  92. Gosling, J. T., Tian, H., Phan, T. 2011, Pulsed Alfvén waves in the solar wind, Astrophys. J. Lett., 737, L35
  93. Curdt, W., Tian, H., Kamio, S. 2012, Explosive Events: Swirling Transition Region Jets, Sol. Phys., 280, 417
  94. Curdt, W., Tian, H. 2011, Spectroscopic evidence for helicity in explosive events, Astron. Astrophys., 532, L9
  95. Curdt, W., Tian, H., Dwivedi, B. N., Marsch, E. 2008, The redshifted network contrast of transition region emission, Astron. Astrophys., 491, L13
  96. Curdt, W., Tian, H., Teriaca, L., Schühle, U., Lemaire, P. 2008,The Ly-α profile and center-to-limb variation of the quiet Sun, Astron. Astrophys., 492, L9
  97. Marsch, E., Tian, H., Sun, J., Curdt, W., Wiegelmann, T. 2008, Plasma flows guided by strong magnetic fields in the solar corona, Astrophys. J., 685, 1262
  98. Reeves, K. K., McCauley, P. I., Tian, H. 2015, Direct observations of magnetic reconnection outflow and cme triggering in a small erupting solar prominence, Astrophys. J., 807, 7
  99. Samanta, T., Banerjee, D., Tian, H. 2015, Quasi-periodic oscillation of a coronal bright point, Astrophys. J., 806, 172
  100. Kleint, L., Antolin, P., Tian, H., et al. 2014, Detection of supersonic downflows and associated heating events in the transition region above sunspots, Astrophys. J. Lett., 789, L42
  101. Zhang, M., Xia, L.-D., Tian, H., Chen, Y. 2010, Signatures of transition region explosive events in hydrogen Lyβ profiles, Astron. Astrophys., 520, A37
  102. He, J.-S., Tu, C.-Y., Tian, H., et al. 2008, A magnetic null geometry reconstructed from Cluster spacecraft observations, J. Geophys. Res., 113, A05205
  103. He, J.-S., Tu, C.-Y., Marsch, E., & Tian, H. 2009, Excitation of kink waves due to small-scale magnetic reconnection in the chromosphere? Astrophys. J. Lett., 705, L217
  104. Wang, X., McIntosh, S. W., Curdt, W., Tian, H., Peter, H., Xia, L.-D. 2013, Temperature dependence of ultraviolet line parameters in network and internetwork regions of the quiet Sun and coronal holes, Astron. Astrophys., 557, 126
  105. Yan, L.-M., Peter, H., He, J.-S., Tian, H., et al. 2015, Self-absorption in the solar transition region, Astrophys. J., 811, 48
  106. He, J.-S., Marsch, E., Tu, C.-Y., Yao, S., Tian, H. 2011, Possible Evidence of Alfvén-cyclotron Waves in the Angle Distribution of Magnetic Helicity of Solar Wind Turbulence, Astrophys. J., 731, 85
  107. He, J.-S., Marsch, E., Tu, C.-Y., Guo, L.-J., Tian, H. 2010, Intermittent outflows at the edge of an active region - a possible source of the solar wind? Astron. Astrophys., 516, A14
  108. He, J.-S., Tu, C.-Y., Marsch, E., Guo, L.-J., Yao, S., Tian, H. 2009, Upward propagating high-frequency Alfven waves as identified from dynamic wave-like spicules observed by SOT on Hinode, Astron. Astrophys., 497, 523
  109. Fontenla, J. M., Curdt, W., Haberreiter, M., Harder, J., & Tian, H. 2009, Semi-empirical models of the solar atmosphere III. Set of NLTE models for FUV/EUV irradiance computation, Astrophys. J., 707, 482
  110. Cheung, Mark C. M., De Pontieu, B., Tarbell, T. D., Fu, Y., Tian, H., et al. 2015, Homologous Helical Jets: Observations By IRIS, SDO, and Hinode and Magnetic Modeling With Data-Driven Simulations, Astrophys. J., 801, 83
  111. Cranmer, S. R., Asgari-Targhi, M., Miralles, M. P., Raymond, J. C., Strachan, L., Tian, H., Woolsey, N. 2015, The role of turbulence in coronal heating and solar wind expansion, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A, 373, 20140148
  112. Hansteen, V., De Pontieu, B., Carlsson, M, and 18 coauthors including Tian, H. 2014, The unresolved fine structure resolved: IRIS observations of the solar transition region, Science, 346, 1255757
  113. De Pontieu, B., Rouppe van der Voort, L., McIntosh, S. W., and 21 coauthors including Tian, H. 2014, On the prevalence of small-scale twist in the solar chromosphere and transition region, Science, 346, 1255732
  114. Testa, P., De Pontieu, B., Allred, J., and 21 coauthors including Tian, H. 2014, Evidence of nonthermal particles in coronal loops heated impulsively by nanoflares, Science, 346, 1255724
  115. De Pontieu, B., Title, A. M., Lemen, J. R., and 85 coauthors including Tian, H. 2014, The Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph (IRIS), Sol. Phys., 289, 2733
  116. Pereira, T. M. D., De Pontieu, B., Carlsson, M., and 17 coauthors including Tian, H. 2015, An interface region imaging spectrograph first view on solar spicules, Astrophys. J. Lett., 792, L15