讲座题目:Pickup Ion Instabilities and IBEX Energetic Neutral Atom Ribbon
Linear analysis as well as hybrid and quasi-linear simulations are performed to examine the stability of pickup ions in the outer heliosheath. This is critical for the validity of the secondary energetic neutral atom (ENA) mechanism, a promising model for the enigmatic ENA ribbon observed by the Interstellar Boundary Explorer (IBEX). In the secondary ENA model, pickup ions in the outer helioshealth need to remain stable for years but their ring-like velocity distribution is liable to several plasma instabilities, including the Alfvén cyclotron, mirror, and ion Bernstein instabilities. The present study evaluates how the Alfvén cyclotron instability growth can quickly scatter the pickup ions. The contributions of the mirror and ion Bernstein instabilities are also explored. Although recent studies showed that a pickup ion velocity ring can remain stable to the Alfvén cyclotron instability when the parallel thermal spread of the pickup ions is comparable to that of the background ions, the other two instabilities are still unstable. Their growth leads to parallel heating of the pickup ions and the heated pickup ions can subsequently trigger the Alfvén cyclotron instability. So the pickup ion stability is still a challenge for the second ENA mechanism.