时间……….....周三, 2017年11月01日, 下午 03:30-05:00 地点…….........物理大楼 北 415 讲座嘉宾….. ..葛亚松 研究员(中科院地质与地球物理研究所) 讲座题目……..Low Inclination and Low Orbit Pearl-on-String of Magnetic Detector Mission
Understanding the temporal and spatial variations of Earth’s magnetic field is one of main objectives of geomagnetism research, and is one of hot topics in space science research. The spatial variations of the main magnetic field are mainly due to the magnetic anomalies, while the temporal variations of the magnetic field recorded by either the ground stations or the satellites reflect the distribution and changes of the complex current system in the ionosphere and the magnetosphere. To obtain the global distribution and temporal variations with high time resolution, the satellite survey becomes the main method to detect the Earth’s magnetic field besides the wide-spreaded ground magnetic observatories. After the several low-orbit satellite missions that aims at measuring the Earth’s magnetic field, China has recently launched a series of low-orbit satellites with multiple fluxgate magnetometers. With these high-resolution magnetic field data, we will be able to provide our contribution to profound our understanding of the Earth’s magnetic field, the Earth’s dynamo, and the variations of space current systems.
图. 由3串15颗小卫星组成的珍珠链计划,将探测地球的空间磁场,从而促进地球磁场发电机和空间电流体系的认识。
1979年生于江苏沭阳。 1996-2000年,中国科学技术大学地球与空间科学系地球物理学专业,学士; 2000-2003年,中国科学技术大学地球与空间科学系地球物理学专业,硕士; 2003-2009年,美国加州大学洛杉矶分校地球与空间科学系地球和空间物理专业,博士; 2009-2013年,美国新罕布什尔大学空间科学中心,二级研究科学家; 2013-至今,中国科学院地质与地球物理研究所,中组部“青年千人计划”,研究员。 2015-至今,中国科学院大学,岗位教授。
研究方向: 地球磁层动力学过程和其地磁效应的研究; 行星磁层动力学过程的比较研究; 磁层与电离层相互耦合过程的研究; 磁层与内磁层及辐射带相互耦合过程的研究; 三维全球磁层数值模拟