Wimmer-Schweingruber - Mars science laboratory & future human exploration


Title:Mars Space Laboratory & Future Human Exploration
Time/location: Nov 19 (Wed) 4:00 pm, N415 Physics building
Speaker:Robert Wimmer

Mars Science Laboratory's rover, Curiosity, landed successfully on Mars on August 6, 2012, and has since been exploring Gale crater. This landing site has proven highly promising for understanding the climate of Mars some 3.7 billion years ago...

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Interactions between magnetosonic waves and radiation belt electrons: Comparisons of quasi-linear calculations with test particle simulations


Quasi-linear theory has been commonly used to study the Landau resonance between radiation belt electrons and magnetosonic waves. However, the parallel wavelengths of magnetosonic waves can exceed their spatial confinement and cause a transit-time effect. We introduce a particle-independent criterion to justify the validity of quasi-linear theory for magnetosonic waves: the wave spatial confinement should be longer than two parallel wavelengths.

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Säm Krucker (UCB) - Hard X-ray Observations as Diagnostics of Particle Acceleration in Solar


Time……… Wednesday, Oct 29th, 4:00 - 5:15 pm
Where…… Room 415, North Physics Building
Speaker… Säm Krucker, UC Berkeley and University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland.
Title……… Hard X-ray Observations as Diagnostics of Particle Acceleration in Solar Flares

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